School of Thought Inspiration Innovation Imagination

Monday, May 4, 2020

Blog:Next New

A new type of Virtual Reality social media would be really cool. In the sense, if you are engaged in the VR world where users able to recreate themselves in any form but use the platform from a first eye point of view. If there is a platform in Virtual Reality where people can recreate themselves to push out their lifestyle, it would take a new type of spin on how media is pushed out.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Wiki So Far

Over the course of this class, I made edits in the Drugs and Substance section. In the subsection, I made comments under cannabis. I changed a couple paragraphs which I felt didn't properly address the section. I hope to add a wiki in the technology sector and go into detail regarding careers in the cybersecurity field. Which is something I want to provide good content regarding the future of the career path and adding more features. 


What is File Sharing?

File sharing is the ability of one user to another user to share files that could spread to the masses through an internet connection or ring of networks used to share information. 

What is P2P File sharing?

According to P2P File Sharing by Marmomin,  P2P file sharing is a peer to peer file sharing which allows individuals to access media files using a software program that searches and locates computers that have the file that is wanted. P2P file sharing allows users to share files online through a network of software programs. 

What are some examples of P2P file sharing?
According to NY times, Rapidshare, a file hosting service allows users to upload files too big to email. Advertising agencies for legitimate purposes use this service to share their information with clients around the world. However, Music and movies have pirated on this site as well, making it a controversial site. 

Another file-sharing company is Gnutella, which connects networks and sends out a request for a file that is wanted.  When sharing files, media files such as books, movies, and music are distributed for free. 

Work cited page 

“P2p File Sharing.” Margomin, margomin, 13 Apr. 2016,
“Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?” The New York Times, 13 Apr. 2009,

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Online privacy is a huge concern for many people who awaken to realize all the information they have given out online might not be so safe after all. This is the reality of the modern world with companies monetizing data from our online history. The digital world is integrating into the lives of many people from an earlier age. It is important to protect consumers from possible unwanted parties from the collection of information from all ages. Privacy online needs to be addressed in all social media forms and require companies to be transparent on their terms and services. The future of data collection online is a grand commodity that millions of organizations will rely on as consumers become the product. The digital culture of the new media is one that needs to be addressed as users are more concerned about the rights of their information and how to stay safe while using virtual platforms.
Technology is rapidly growing and it always seems cybersecurity is one step behind. With every new way of new media coming in the future, privacy and confidentiality go hand in hand. Taking steps in learning about apps, reading the news and looking through settings should be emphasized in the 21st century. 


As the new hire for Baruch College, the use of new media can reach out to numerous students and provide a great platform for the college to provide useful and fun information for students and professors. I would like to create a plan from the top-down as stated below:

President & USG:

Use social media such as Twitter to keep students part of the loop. On top of signing up with all the social media networks, it is important to market social media accounts to students. This should be done through posters posted on the 2nd floor and club room area. Students that I go to school with feel that although there are social media networks that USG runs, it is important that people are following the social networks and are able to get online. Relevant content to students that would be interested is required on a daily basis or weekly to list out ideas.

Teachers and staff:

There should be a site for professors to express frustrations anonymously without judgment which should be available in all departments. Furthermore, there should be a feedback loop in place for students of certain majors to get answers. There are students who want to know more about their major and provide feedback loops for certain staff to go through questions and get answers. If students want to meet with department heads or staff within the department there should be a use of apps. There has to be an app that departments can use to reach out to students to promote their major and make it easy to schedule meetings that work according to their schedule.


Outside of random surveys on Baruch's email, it is important to provide students a chance to showcase their time in Baruch. We have one tv in the 2nd floor of the NVC that showcases clubs, but there need to be more TVs that provide access to these photos and get students a chance to share their time in Baruch.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Creativity and New Media

In the hyperlink above, I created a youtube video for a school assignment. I worked on my 8th-grade Spanish project to teach Spanish in a fun, innovative way. My group decided that creating a song that utilizes video content, lyrical genius, and mashup of audio will capture the attention of our audience. I begin the video by talking about the subject of the song. The song is called "Las Fruitas" describing the different fruits in Spanish while I go around the supermarket. In the video, you can see a combination of numerous fruits flashing in your face while you follow the lyrics to the song.

Our teacher wants us to use the internet to make learning Spanish in a fun and creative way. We found that using pictures, words, and objects people use every day will provide the perfect way for viewers to learn fruits in Spanish with a fun twist. The new media allows education to be seen in new ways providing teachers, students and anyone who wants to use this content for their own educational purposes. I hope everyone learned their fruits in Spanish after watching this video.

HW Creativity

New media is the vehicle to turn ideas into virtual reality. Mashups are one of the creativity methods used by producers to collaborate two pieces of musical pieces and make them sync together bits and parts based on the preference of the producer.

Mashups are a cause-and-effect relationship that draws a lot of attention in the music industry. One person can use sound, software, and loop different audios together to make their own masterpiece. These are considered remixes as well, combining numerous arts, drums, and pieces to produce a sound that tailors to different branches of people. The new media allowed DJ Reset a.k.a. Jeremy Brown to use digital software to take apart music and recreate songs in a new manner.

The digital platform takes existing music which is taken apart to tailor the producer which produces the mashup. These revolutions online foster creativity in the virtual world combing musicians, creators, and production under one branch.

Frere-Jones, Sasha. “1 + 1 + 1 = 1.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 2 Jan. 2005,

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Reality is a new landscape that allows people to enter new worlds through an outside virtual world. One such site is Second Life, which gained a lot of attention allowing the customization and personalization that was not there before. Once you create your own profile, you can move in the world allowing people to interact in ways people haven't done before.

Avatars are created on the site allowing residents to communicate, with other avatars, places or objects. One of the biggest things with Second life is the ability to contribute content on the site. Each avatar allows residents to create the world around them. This includes virtual buildings, objects or animations.

In the documentary, people can build content and sell it in a virtual economy. This documentary shows how people are working full time on the site earning an income. Sellers are able to sell houses, land, clothes to the mass users of the site providing their talents. People are able to earn an actual income by transferring the currency from the site to their own pockets.

With all the virtual benefits, this comes with its own downfall in the virtual world. People can have their products on Second life be stolen, hacked and cause people to create a new level of hacking. The communities are at risk of people hacking their objects, intensifying comparisons online based on the online.

The virtual world comes with an untapped market for people who want to create their own versions of themselves and design their life in a new atmosphere. This gives users a new way to look at the world, providing content creation and creativity for the mass users.

THCBMedia. “A Second Life on Second Life.” YouTube, 2020,, and “How Second Life Works.” HowStuffWorks, 8 Nov. 2007,

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Blog about Twitter

Twitter allows creativity and brings excitement to assignments compared to blackboard discussions. The social media site encourages comments, tweets by sending notifications of users, and promoting the usage of the site. They will sent activity feed of user you follow which allows you to be on top of the events that might be happening. With my twitter account, I can receive notifications on their works and allow me to comment on them easier. The extended use of hashtags also allows users to be reached easily and provide my comments back to them with easier access. Blackboard Discussion takes away the short cuts that make social media sites attractive, the usability of twitter is seen through the work of their developers. Blackboard is well funded, but they won't go the extra mile for user content and work on engaging users the same way Twitter does.

Furthermore, Twitter will never have the same as face to face discussion but allows people to think about their answers and type it. If everyone can edit their thoughts, it would provide better discussion with well thought out answers and discussion points which will allow more engaging answers and creativity. There are multiple times when we have a class discussion regarding anything and nobody wants to participate. Twitter allows people to give knowledgeable answers and allow more people to participate and engage in user content.

Blog: Social networking sites

Four Social Media Sites I use currently include Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. There is a need to talk to people from different perspectives and showing different parts of your personality to the world. Each social media site targets different segments that users can use to create content and user-generated customization. For example, Facebook holds many of my family members for a truly global connection. I would constantly see my family posting content from Indian Generated blogs that cater to their market being posted on my feed. There is a bigger sharing network with relatives, friends, and peers on your content. Furthermore, Facebook utilizes groups the best way to allow people to join communities and meet up for networking. There is an endless list of private and public groups that tailor the interests of the masses.  Moreover, the Social media site of Instagram focuses on the quality of the photo where people share photos to get their message across. If you're like me, visual content is appealing and the first thing that always catches my eyes compared to generic texts. This is extended further with the emergence of Snapchat. Snapchat allows people to instantly talk and snap each other. Twitter is my least appealing social media site that tailors to users who want to sent out quick updates of their lives and make it personal to their daily lives based on whatever is felt by the user. Twitter is currently the main communication of the U.S. President Donald J. Trump. Social media sites are all appealing in their own way and have their own segment that users can personalize.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Blog Social networking

Data privacy and social media have in the news numerous times regarding user protection and revamping privacy laws. This can be alarming for users who may not want to have their information stored. Apple and Google have advertising IDs for IOS  and Android apps based on where you're posting from and what you been looking at. Facebooks take it a step further by having tracking pixels that know where you've visited online and measure data based on your purchase history or which items you have viewed. We can't fully be assured if our information is private or being sold off to outside companies. Andrea Downing is one user on Facebook who is an admin for a private Facebook group for helping women at risk of breast and ovarian cancer. She was concerned that sensitive information that is shared within the private group might be tracked by Facebook. She went on to call a cybersecurity researcher who confirmed her suspicious by finding a loophole in the privacy setting for closed Facebook groups which allow developers, marketers, and others to download the membership list of groups using a Facebook Developer Account. Downing has filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission regarding this loophole which can leave members vulnerable to exploitation. Cases like Andrea's are nothing new to Facebook who has come across who has created numerous attempts at manipulating the information of users on their website which entitles users to fully private groups to have their information disclosed. 

On the other hand, some users would want their information out as much as possible which provides a mutually beneficial relationship.  Ziprecruiter is a job search engine that benefits job seeks and job employers alike. Information about applications and individuals that are uploaded by the user provide allow job candidates to push their resume out in the market. Individuals are able to provide context on their job and how they can be benefit employers. 

Data information should be transparent to users who shouldn't be concerned regarding the company breaking their own promises they made. When users sign up for social media platforms there needs to be a level of commitment from the platform. Platforms have to provide proper terms and compliance for users that are easy to read, understand and not having to think like a lawyer for every move online. The future of social media platforms should provide better leadership for users to be able to have their problems addressed and not be under red flags. 


Cnn. “This Breast Cancer Advocate Says She Discovered a Facebook Flaw That Put the Health Data of Millions at Risk.” KTVZ, 1 Mar. 2020,

Handrick, Laura. “What Is ZipRecruiter: Features, Pricing, & How It Works.” Fit Small Business, 5 Feb. 2020,

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Blog vs Wiki

User-generated content dominates in the online world with blogs and wikis leading the way. Both types of content provide information that can be shared on the web for public or private use. They give access to people on the internet with vast information-sharing services.

Blogs are written by one person who can create and edit changes to entries, images, and other content on one page. According to BMC Med Edu, a standard blog features easy posting, archives of previous posts and a standalone. These are featured with a webpage that provides each post their own link and ability to engage in external sites. My webpage is a blog that can be read by anyone but can only be edited by me.

Wikis are a collaborative website whose content can be changed. According to UNSV Sydney, a wiki is an easily-edited set of one or more linked web pages that readers can add to or modify. Wikis can have multiple editors or authors. Our class wiki is a great example of a vast amount of knowledge that is created by anyone and can be edited by anyone. This allows people to fix mistakes others might have made on a type of post, provide grammar mistakes and takedown false information.


Boulos, Maged N Kamel, et al. “Wikis, Blogs and Podcasts: a New Generation of Web-Based Tools for Virtual Collaborative Clinical Practice and Education.” BMC Medical Education, BioMed Central, 15 Aug. 2006,

Chancellor, Vice. “Blog, Wiki or Forum - Which Should You Use?” UNSW Teaching Staff Gateway, 28 Nov. 2018,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy

Privacy is an expanding area that has been more prevalent than any other time in human history. As the world becomes digitalized, there need to be guidelines for users on their privacy protection rights. The constitution covers a small aspect of this area, but it doesn't provide users the rights they should know when searching the web. Many online technology organizations have been quick to expose this flaw by profiting off the vast collection of information that users feed to their website. Of course, companies will provide their privacy statements when you register in fine print that is not easy to read and leave users prone or vulnerable to rights that they might have missed in these statements. 

These issues become a prominent threat for companies that are targetting young adults and children who can be easily targetted for their lack of knowledge online and those who might not fully grasp the dangers of sites that target their online activity. Social media sites are mining through every user's data and selling this information to outside companies. I plan to talk about the strategies social media sites use to collect information, the dangers of using online social media and how it can affect every online user's life.